Monday, February 01, 2010

Why Give Up Smoking?

Beating the addiction to smoking will bring you a multitude of benefits. Not only will you lower your risk of getting various cancers, including lung cancer, you’ll also reduce your chances of suffering from heart disease,
stroke, emphysema, and other serious diseases. Also, stopping will help prevent heart disease and lung cancer in people who are subjected to your second-hand smoke.

Although there are benefits to quitting at any age, it is important to quit as early in life as possible to avoid getting one of these serious illnesses caused by smoking. Keep in mind that
  • smoking kills 1,200 people every day in the United States.
  • if you do not quit smoking, you have a one out of two chance of dying of a smoking-related disease.
Some people who smoke say things like “You have to die of something” or “When you’re time is up, your time is up” in order to justify continuing to think. They convince themselves that one day they are happy and well, then suddenly they are dead, but dying from a smoking-related disease is rarely like this – it is much more likely to be a slow and painful process – distressing for the smokers and for those who love him/her.