Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Happiness From Money?

Money doesn’t buy you happiness, at least not once you’ve met your basic needs and have a bit more for emergencies, fun, personal development and maybe to support your children or give to your favourite charity. But though most people know that money doesn’t buy happiness, most of us act as though it does.

There’s always the thought that if we had a little bit more (we’re not being greedy) we’d be OK. It’s a seductive idea but it keeps you enthralled and never quite satisfied with what you already have.

I know people who have a lot more money than me, but are they happy? Do they moan and complain less? I don’t think so. But, of course, if we had more money, we wouldn’t be like this, would we? We’d be grateful and happy … but would we?

Read more about my thoughts on happiness and money.