Thursday, November 25, 2010

SLS & Personal Care Products

Some recent research from Bath University brings into question the use of products containing sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS). This detergent is used in a range of personal care products (face creams, toothpaste, bodywash, hair conditioner, shampoos, shaving cream, etc.) and also medicinal cream such as Aqueous Cream BP (commonly used to treat eczema). The research using aqueous cream BP showed that the thickness of healthy skin is reduced within 4 weeks.

Richard Guy, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, says: “Our study has found that rubbing aqueous cream containing SLS into the skin thins [the] protective barrier, making the skin more susceptible to irritation by chemicals.

Check the ingredients list of all your personal care products and any medicinal creams - you're looking for sodium lauryl sulphate/sulfate - why thin your skin when there are good products that don't contain this harsh detergent?

If you're buying Christmas presents for other people, do them a favour ad check out what you plan to buy before you buy it.

Read more about this research>>