Monday, February 04, 2008

Helping Allergic Reactions

I received this sad email today:

Hi Jane, I found your site by chance and thought you might be able to help my severe allergy to rapeseed oil. It came on overnight 6 yrs ago when I had scarlet fever. I find it very difficult to avoid eating the oil as it has crept into so many different foods as a cheap additive. I take a small dose of antihistamine daily to keep the background reaction at bay, but live in fear of making a mistake and having a big reaction. Labels often list vegetable oil without being specific so life is not easy - especially as I have a family to feed. I am not allergic to the pollen (the NHS can test for it but not the oil) ... Sorry to go on - I hope you can help or know someone who can.

here's my reply:

sorry to hear about your problems.

I suggest you find a health kinesiology practitioner to help you and your children.

I suggets also you read two of my articles: one on health kinesiology and one on allergy testing.

and also check out this simple method to switch off allergy reactions.