Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fish oils and diabetes

I recently added some research gighlighted by the Physicians For Responsible Medicine on a possible link between fish oils and diabetes.

Lyn who follows this blog made a comment:

"Interesting...There are so many benefits to fish and fish oil that are not mentioned here. Wonder if the benefits of eating once or twice a week along with an otherwise healthy diet wouldn't outweigh the possible risk discussed here."

I've only just started allowing comments and I inadvertently rejected the comment! More haste less speed. Unlike other aspects of computers, I can't find an undo button. (Sad that life doesn't have an undo button either!)

So, I decided the easiest thing was to print it in the blog itself.

My comment on Lyn's comment is:

Yes, there are well documented benefits of fish oils, but this research and concern about heavy metal contamination of oily fish and fish supplements suggests a degree of caution may be appropriate. Flax seed oil can give similar benefits without having to kill fish either. Better for the fish and possibly better for us too.