Saturday, August 01, 2009

How green is your medicine?

I like this quote from Genie Rowson:

Green medicine stimulates the body's own healing mechanisms to repair and rebuild itself, and help reverse illness and encourage healing. This approach differs considerably from the more conventional medicine we know so well, which suppresses our symptoms (which are actually the body's healing mechanisms). But does green medicine really work? The answer is yes. Absolutely! Greener systems of medicine such as acupuncture, Chinese medicine and homeopathy are gaining new converts every day, because they really do work! Millions of people worldwide have been healed through these gentler, safer, non-toxic alternatives. There is a wordwide movement towards greener options in every aspect of life.

If you're into homeopathy, check out Genie's web site - There's A Remedy For That. She has a great ailments page with suggestions for homeopathic remedies for a whiole host of complaints.