Saturday, September 05, 2009

PCOS Remedies

Here's an email I had from a customer:

i'm 20 and have just been diagnosed with PCOS, i suffer from almost all the classic syptoms, but im not over weight. The doctor told me that all they can do is put me on the contraceptive pill, but that hasn't releived my symptoms, except for my irregulatr periods.

I've read in a number of places that herbal supplements can help, but there are so many i got confused, i was just wondering if you could give me any advice?

Also, this will probably seem like a stupid question but can you take a vit.B complex tablet and a mutlivitamin tablet at the same time?

Thank you
Here's my reply:
Herbs may help (such as Vitex or Black Cohosh), but if I were you I'd probably try taking a good quality Vitamin B complex first and seeing how that goes. I'd also use our Wild Yam and Soya Cream.

I wouldn't recommend taking B complex and a multi vit - it's not a stupid question. It's a good question. High doses of vitamin B6 can lead to problems with nerve damage, so if you take a B complex and a multivit you could exceed the safe levels of B6. I wouldn't take more than 50 mg of B6 in total per day except under the supervision of a properly qualified heath or nutrition professional.