Friday, November 15, 2013

Live Long, Live Well

In a study presented at the International Congress on Obesity in Stockholm 2010, researchers tracked more than 5,000 military conscripts starting at the age of 20 until up to the age of 80.

They found that at any given age, an obese man was twice as likely to die as a man who was not obese and that obesity at age 20 years had a constant effect on death up to 60 years later.

If you're a young man, you may not be that worried now about what happens to you when you're 60, but along with the obesity goes increased chances of some cancers, breathing problems, back problems, diabetes, arthritis, depression and much more. You could be obese and be perfectly health and then one day drop dead, but it's not that likely. You are much more likely to suffer ill health and restrictions in your pleasure in life long before you reach 60.