Monday, November 28, 2005

Alternative Medicine Interviews

as you may know I'm doing a series of interviews with alternative medicine practitioners for my web site . I'm really enjoying them. I could get info on therapies from books or web sites, but the interviews give a real life to what I write.

Some of the interviewees have found the process very interesting too. Often they say they work with it all the time but having to distil out what makes their therapy special is very difficult.

I have grand plans for this bit of the web site - I intend that by the end of August 2006 I will have 10,000 therapists listed in the free international listing section, that I will have interviews for most of the therapies, that there will be a glossary covering words like chakra etc., that there will be a big symptom list cross-referenced to the therapies, and that there will be a summary of some of the positive research on alternative medicine. A major project but I'm excited about it