Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Therapy infighting

Our new therapist listing is doing well - we have over 700 therapists from 32+ countries. As ever I'm impatient for it to be bigger still - patience is not one of the virtues I possess in even minute quantities. Of course, the good side of that is that I push ahead to make things happen, but there are downsides to it too!

I've been saddened though by the emails and phone calls I've had about the listings where people don't want to be listed under a particular umbrella term because it means they'll have to share it with some other type of therapist that they don't approve of. Some people would rather not be on the listing than do this.

There is enough opposition out there to what we do without creating even more. It's really makes me sad.

But I must keep it in perspective - it's a very very small proportion of people, and lots of practitioners have written me congratulatory emails.