Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Meat-free money saving recipes

In light of the UN’s Dr Rajendra Pachauri's recent call for people to eat less meat to help save the environment, and the 22% rise in meat and fish prices, there’s never been a better time to try meat-free meals.
The Vegetarian Society can help you do your bit for the environment and feed four people for less than £5 a meal. With recipes ranging from a simple vegetable soup through to a hearty sausage hotpot and a fast fruity crumble. For more details visit www.vegsoc.org or call 0161 925 2000.

“What we choose to eat is one of the biggest factors in the personal impact we have on the environment and everyone can enjoy tasty, meat-free meals on a budget. Research studies have shown that the single most damaging foodstuff is beef and all non-vegetarian diets required significantly greater amounts of environmental resources, such as land and water. By feeding grain and vegetables directly to people (rather than livestock) we can increase the amount of food available to everyone.” said Caroline Chisholm Head of Communications, the Vegetarian Society.