Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Do vitamin B12 pills help weight loss?

Someone sent me an email asking this question.

Here's my reply:

I do not know of any evidence that supports this idea, except possibly that if you are B12 deficient you are likely to be tired and not want to exercise. Exercise plus sensible eating plus good nutrition leads to weight loss success for many people.

That said our customers report that our weight loss supplement which addresses possible nutritional deficiencies that can slow metabolism and produce cravings successfully helps people lose weight.

But it's no good thinking that you can permanently lose weight and look great with any sort of weight loss pill on its own. That idea is part of the 'you can have whatever you want NOW without saving, without hard work without self-discipline, without considering other people, without considering the future of the planet' and look what a mess that has got us into.

But I'm still interested in the initial question, so have anyone found vitamin B12 helpful for weight loss?