Wednesday, November 14, 2007

homeopathy for child birth

every time we get an order for the homeopathic childbirth kit in our online store I get a warm glow knowing that some baby (and mother) somewhere is going to get off to a good start in life.

The remedies included are:
Aconite 200
Hypericum 200
Arnica 200
Ipecac 200
Bellis-p 200
Kali carb 200
Calendula 200
Kali phos 200
Carbo veg 200
Phytolacca 200
Caulophyllum 200
Pulsatilla 200
Chamomilla 200
Secale 200
Cimicifuga 200
Sepia Gelsemium 200
Staphisagria 200

it comes with a little booklet expalining how and when to use the remedies.

People sometimes uy them as gifts for pregnant friends and many pregant women buy them for themselves.