Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Weight loss gurantee

I was out riding my bike with a friend who’s decided to get fit. She’s doing the right things: taking more exercise and eating more healthy foods. I told her about the weight loss supplement we sell if she feels she needs some help to lose weight at any time. She was interested but asked: “Do they work?”

I felt like saying: “No, course they don’t – I just want your money!” but instead I told her about our guarantee:

60-day money-back guarantee even if you’ve taken the last one.

Everyone always queries this guarantee because they feel it’s too good to be true. But I feel confident in making this guarantee for everything in our online health shop because I only see stuff that I’ve researched and know is likely to work for most people.

Of course, there will be people who take a dishonest advantage from this guarantee, but I can live with that. What I want is for people to see this guarantee and know that they can trust what we sell to be effective – not for everyone in all circumstances – but for a lot of people who are looking for help to lose weight and improve their lives.